











Industrial Land Analytics, the first historical data analysis tool for industrial lands

August 23, 2023 | #DatozByDatoz

In its ongoing pursuit to provide innovative solutions for the real estate sector in Mexico through cutting-edge technology and Data Analytics products within the Proptech realm, Datoz has developed the first data analysis tool for industrial land. The aim is to enhance the strongest segment of the real estate market by capitalizing on the nearshoring trend. 

This tool is called Industrial Land Analytics (ILA), which aims to provide updated, accurate, and historical information about industrial lands in the 24 most dynamic markets in the country. Its purpose is to analyze availabilities, absorptions (sales transactions), and listing prices for these lands. 

Access this information by selecting the ILA tool from our main menu. Next, choose the indicator you wish to analyze (absorption, availability, and asking price) for one or more industrial real estate markets within a specific time period, starting from 2014. These indicators can be observed in monthly, quarterly, and yearly intervals. 

With ILA, you can customize your analysis sample using over ten filters, including submarket, industrial park, owner, area range, energy capacity, among others. Additionally, you have the option to group this information by market, submarket, industrial park, owner, buyer, and more. 

ILA possesses the same power and capability as Analytics 2.0, enabling you to access graphs or data tables, property lists, and maps. These resources can be downloaded in Excel and KMZ formats. 

The insights provided by ILA will offer you a comprehensive understanding of the current industrial land overview, enabling you to make more informed decisions. This tool provides a competitive advantage within the industrial real estate market. 

Our clients already have exclusive access to this powerful tool through our portal. If you wish to learn more about Industrial Land Analytics or activate your access, do not hesitate to get in touch with our team. 

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